Personal bio

1 Personal details

My name is @Maurice43565305 I'm about 40 years old. My house is at the end of a lane where the forest begins. I am almost divorced. I work as legal attorney but daydream half of the day I get home every day by 4 or 5 PM at the latest. I live partially by junk food partially by normal food.

In the last years I studied psychology, philosophy and theology. Here you can see the world from the inside out. I wonder if something like that can clarify why we live.

2 Making schemes out of reality

Psychology seems about looking at the inside of things. This is something people don’t do. For example if you want to know what is behind this reality, they have religious texts, like in Christianity. But they look at it on the outside.

You can also dive into the texts, to see whether there is something in it. I did so. First I did not want to read the Bible: too difficult, too weird, for a kid from secular background. I did a few try-outs, with religous literature, such as from ds Moerkerken, I liked it for its intelligence. And next I went to read the Bible. And I noticed that this is highly intelligent. And then you can see that for example Genesis chapters 1-2-3 run parallel to the Gospel of John chapters 1-2-3 and form schemes, formats, to understand reality

I was schocked to be the first in 2000 years to analyze this as such in detail. There are writings that John 1 runs parallel to Genesis 1, John 2 runs parallel to Genesis 2, but not John 3 runs parallel to Genesis 3, neither that the chapters together run together to science. You can make two columns, with Genesis at the left, which seems more about “nature” and John at the right which seems more about “humans” and see how it matches.

3 Dismiss “nays”

People might quickly go in the “no” modus: this cannot be, that cannot be. For example they might say that these schematic overviews mean nothing, because this is Scripture, this has nothing to do with science. But you can also see, that the schematic overview in Scripture, is quite similar to that in science. If you look at Feynman Diagrams: they are almost the same.

You could say that perhaps what you see in Feynman Diagrams, are the basic elements of reality on microscale and what you see in Scripture are the basic elements of reality on macroscale. Here is also a double “in the beginning” with a certain outcome. Or in other words: if reality is a puzzle, Feynman Diagrams show the bottom line of the puzzle and Scripture the top

4 Further development

If you have this system straight, you could “further analyze” the scheme a bit. What you possibly could notice is that at the right side you have humans, and they have a default IQ of about 100. And there is Jesus who is somewhat quicker, more alert, and also more perceptive, you could guess: perhaps double, so IQ 200. Here you could surmise that cognition is thinking speed/input and perception/output. Perhaps you could divide it in IQ 0-100 at the side of humans and EQ 100-200 at the side of Jesus.

On the left side there is material nature. In the Bible is written that it is created. You could wonder what they mean, but I guess that this indicates that the chance that it could come into existence was 100%. So there also 100 points. And in the Bible is written that it is the result of God’s will, I call this goodwill, as on a balance sheet. This seems the possibility that, whereas at the right side you have “faith” with is a thinking modus “exceptionel”, at the corresponding position at the left you have something as goodwill you also have an exceptional force, something that could divert standard natural processes

5 Goodwill

I could try to make it a bit more scientifical. For example: how to show that there might be a category “faith” and “goodwill”. I would perhaps have to show it. The idea might not be that weird. You could argue that on microlevel you have all sorts of “quantum effects”, that is at least what science says. And on macrolevel you could have some sort of “qualitative effects”, “miracles” if you like. I could refer to a whole list of it in the Bible, but the trouble is that this can also be “narrative”: perhaps they listed things like these miracles as thought experiments : lets try if we can imagine something like that. I could perhaps also mention a few events out of my own life.

First I noticed that with the standard IQ people tend to look at the outside of things, for example read Scripture again and again, year after year, century after century, but I go inside the internal structures. So possibly I see not only outside but also inside, which is double. That is weird, I was at times confused by it. It could be a mental condition, so I did a test at a psychiatrists office, but they did not attribute any mental condition to me, just that I was a bit “eccentric”. I also did an intelligence test, a WAIS intelligence test in university of Nijmegen. I noticed a score processing speed of 98,2-99,6%, and also the score on item “openness” was high. The university did not think much about it, as I had the impression they did not know what is intelligence actually about; but to me this suggests processing speed = 98-99% = perception 98-99%

Another thing is that during my life I previously also seem to notice an event that could be labeled with “goodwill”. I had a weird experience when my dad was driving me to the shop and died behind the steering wheel. I was like: are you alive, are you dead? Possibly dead, as his head hang down and he did not respond to questions. But the car kept driving, through the bent, and in a neat way along the road: Zuivelweg-Van Hogendorplaan in Doetinchem, even across the Van Heemskerklaan, though I was scared because he was not attentive but fortunately no one came from the right side. Next was a T junction (Kennedylaan) and I thought: well, he’ll die there anyway, but at the same moment when I completed this thought, the car quickly turned and ended at a safe parking haven. The event ended in the vision of a man on the street. The idea might be weird. But around 100% processing speed might suggest 100% perception, which is like looking objectively at the world. And if you go to that level, nature might also double itself: normally nature blindly follows natural laws; but double it and it is as if nature starts to subjectively determine a required outcome

6 Goodwill

I wondered what goodwill can do more. This time I am in a different situation, but also a bit the same. People are very busy, on daily basis they post a lot of stuff on the internet, such as on Twitter, and a lot of it is nonsense. I posted a few of my analysis and some people react positively, but most people ignore me. That is not so unusual, their cognitive profile might be as such that they tend to look at outside of things, so “inside information”, “internal structures” is not so popular, neither the person behind it. I have no status, no diplomas. They rather look at a person with status, even if his theories are less sound, less scientifical, than mine, because I have no status.

Also they do not mind my theories, although I explained to them the practical advantages. If you have no faith, humanity might go on a crash course. Because without faith, people tend to look too much at the outside of things. So they might crave a lot of material goods, because that looks good on the outside. They will build bigger cities, bigger buildings, more cars, more roads, always more. They also have a big “territorium drift”, so that they get easily in conflict with the neighbours. If you are more inclined to look at the inside, you might wonder and say: well, I have enough with what I have, I don’t need so much stuff, and relax a bit.

If this is not going to be corrected, that might be a big problem. Then you do not have “faith” at the right side of the balance. And no “faith” at the right side means also no “goodwill” at the left side. I once made the theory that taking away goodwill at the left side might be a disaster, it might have the similar effect as pulling a plug out of a tire: reality might explode. Beware that reality could get human-like qualities:


Research Proposal: terugblik


Quick scan of “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy